Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MORE SNOW?? you better be kidding....

ICK! They are calling for more snow, and I have had enough to last me the rest of my life. I don't like cold weather and I don't like snow. I know it's "pretty" but bc of where we live we don't get it much and it closes EVERYTHING down. And we all know people cant drive in general, so snow mixed into the equation is a joke! Urg.. I hope if it does snow the worse thing that comes of it is a 2hr delay so we dont have to make it up and I can make some money! ha.

Yeah, didn't get that job, but I figure it's probably for the best since I am trying to move. Normally the people that fill in for those jobs are asked to stay, and I would hate to have to turn that down. So things work out for the best and I will be able to move this summer without feeling like I am leaving something behind.

Time to drive out to the boyfriend again. He has his season opener this weekend weather permitting. Poor team has canceled their first 4 games already since they can't use their field. Sucks bigtime! I'm hoping they get to play. We shall see, depends on what happens the next two days too. Stupid snow.

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