Sunday, January 3, 2010


Happy New Year! It has started off pretty good, so we will see what happens throughout 2010. Brett and I have spent the last 3 New Years together. Hopefully this year will be better for us and we won't have to deal with anymore stupid drama. I think it will be different now that he is in Farmville, and I have a steady job so money isn't a factor in the problems now. I just hope I am able to find a good job there this summer, and for next school year. I want to be able to move there by this summer, but that won't happen unless I can get a job around there.
Also, friendships that have had issues seem to be resolving themselves, so hopefully this year will be better along the lines of strained relationships and drama. It's not high school or even college anymore, welcome to the real world. I have learned a lot about myself, and been somewhat surprised about how much I put up with and when I need to cut ties. I hope that my ability to deal with things can carry over into the work field, I know I will need all the patience I can get with the way things are going right now.
I have hope that I will be able to move up from here and things will gradually get better. They might not be how I had imagined things being after college, but they aren't so bad that I can really sit here and complain about it either. I have a great boyfriend, a good group of friends, and a warm bed to sleep in and a job to pay the bills. Setting goals is more along my lines than making a new years resolution, so my goals are going to be to save up some money, make good financial choices, and get a better job, or equivalent one around Brett and get my own apt. Now that my car is paid off I will have that money to be able to pay for insurance and I hope I can find a job that will offer benefits so I won't have to pay so much out of pocket. We will see how these pan out over the year. So here's to a great year!

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