Monday, December 21, 2009

Tis the be broke!

Blah! I thought I had saved up the perfect amount of money for my shopping and I had... until I got an email from my mom telling me that my insurance bill was $404.00!! Def. did not budget that into this paycheck, and I don't get paid again till the 30th... oh, and it's due TOMORROW. Yeah, awesome. So basically I am screwed and not sure what I am going to do.
Anyways, other than that I got most of my shopping done. Brett and I are going up to the outlets in Williamsburg on our way out to Farmville after Christmas. Or at least that was the plan until that lovely email I read.... LAME. So I will see what I can do, I guess if I have to I can pull money from my savings and use that, but I'm trying so hard to save money. I had used all my savings for my car payments when I was in between paychecks.... I can't wait to get a contract teaching job where benefits are offered and I can reasonable save a decent amount of money. I hate this lack-of-jobs situation the economy has created... I don't think that the arts should be cut from schools funding or even thought of as less of a course than English or Science. Music, Art, Cooking, and such are all very important courses that have been proven that students who elect to take these courses are more successful in their core curriculum class and excel in other areas.
I was taking pictures for Christmas cards the other day and really wish I had the money for more lenses for my camera. Maybe one day I can afford to do the things I'd like, until then I have to spend my money on the things that are necessary to live day-to-day. Not my idea of the dream. Pretty lame and crappy to be honest. If only I could come up with some catchy item that I could sell and make millions. Too bad there are millions of people out there trying to do the same thing, best luck to ya! Well, I guess I will go work on something since I really don't have anything to do right now. Tomorrow is the last day before winter break. I need it! The kids at school are out of control and can't be quiet or sit still for less than 5 mins. with out asking to go to the bathroom or the office or just get out of the classroom.... I think for everyones sanity we need the break! haha

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