Monday, December 14, 2009


So I got a call from one of my girlfriends from college. We cheered together and were instantly great friends. She and I had mentioned something about a cruise next summer a few months ago, and tonight decided that we should really go for it. So now I have to make sure I can put enough money aside for the next few months to put down the deposit and then pay the rest by Aug. Hopefully I will be able to, I've always wanted to go on a cruise, and now that I'm working a steady job I can reasonably put the money aside for it without going broke lol. It's nice to have something to plan ahead for. I usual don't get too excited about these ideas, but I finally am in a place in my life where it could really happen, and I paid for it. :) I like the idea of being able to support myself and not rely on anyone to get things done for me. It's a good feeling to say "I did that" and not have any help doing so. Sounds pretty silly, but if you were in my shoes you would understand. I think I'm more excited about the idea of wearing my prom dress again than anything haha. Formal night sounds fun! I guess it's good that I pretty much am the same size I was in high school. I might have a few more lbs. on me, but not enough to keep me from fitting into my dress! hehe. I'm just in a good mood. Maybe because this weekend was so good. I went to see my boyfriend and had one of the best weekends I've had in a long time. We went to dinner and a movie ( the Blind Side) which was AMAZING, and then stayed in Sat. and Sun. just watching our favorite shows he got on dvd. It was really nice to just spend time together goofing off and not dealing with the drama of what his friends think. I'm convinced that if both the girls that cause the drama were in committed relationships they would shut up. It's not his fault they can't keep a guy, or don't want to. They feel threatened whenever one of them starts getting serious with anyone outside for their little circle. GROW UP. So I've removed myself and just don't keep in touch with that stuff. I have more important things to do with my time... like blog about it haha... oh geez. Anyhow, it was a wonderful weekend. I didn't want to come back. Work is good, but working with all girls is kinda lame. I don't involve myself in their personal lives, and as a result I'm kind if a loner, but I'm not there for friends, I'm there to earn experience in a school setting and get a contract eventually. Plus they're military wives and one is leaving next week. Not that military spouses are a bad thing, just tend to be like sorority girls and click together. I can understand needing that support, I dated a guy when he went to Afghanistan, but that lifestyle wasn't for me. It was nice to have those people around that could relate, but I saw how they singled out people, and it was like you had to be invited to join their group. I don't know why people do that stuff. I try to be nice to everyone until they give me a reason to dislike them. There are very few people who I automatically take a dislike to... one being if you voted for Obama. Thanks you socialist bastards... but other than that I try to not judge, that's not my place. I think one group that hurts me the most is homosexuals. I love my gay friends to death, but how do you tell someone you don't think you will see them in heaven for the way they live? I have some amazing friends that I feel this way about and I know they know I don't dislike them for who they are, but it hurts me that I don't agree with their lifestyle. I do know that if my kids ever turned out that way I would have a really hard time with it. I don't think that makes me a bad person either. I don't agree with it and I don't want my children to live that way. Wow, this has turned into a rant about lots of odd topics. I guess that means I'm getting tired and need to get off of this thing haha.

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